Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Traver

Thirty-two years ago today Travis Wade Roberts entered this world. In honor of his birthday I thought we could play the compliment game. So feel free to wish Traver a happy birthday and give him a compliment of your choosing.


Mandi said...

I will get us started. Trav, I like your grey hair, your love love of languages, your cajun cooking, your willingness to cave on an argument to avoid contention, your unwillingness to cave on an argument when you really care, your passive-aggressive showmanship, and your love of learning. Happy Birthday. I also love that this post will be mortifying to you.

Dover said...

Yeah Trav, Happy belated birthday. I would like take this moment and say what a good guy you are. You may not know it, but you were a big factor in me going on a mission and my life is better in doing so. Also, I'm pretty sure you are responsible for most of the music I listen to. We'll always have The Mermen or Man or Astro-man? to fall back on. Long live The Cult


Spano said...

Dude... naked 165? Nice! The rest of your thrities are looking good.

Unknown said...

Travis I feel nothing for you as I am now 33 years old, the same age our Good Lord gave up the ghost. It is humbling to think I am supposed to be in my prime. You Trav! You are in your prime!!! at 32 so congrats for pulling down the age our bodies hit thier prime. You are so tuff and smart and physically Fit!! Can I Be You!! Happy Friggin B-Day my brother. Love Ya! Clinty and Family!!

Wellz said...

I always enjoy the good brain (moral, ideological, physical...) stretching that comes with a good hang out with Wade's son. He is a great friend with worthy passions. Happy Birthday, Travis.

Spano said...

Man everyone's comments kinda make me feel like a schmuck for what I said. I will try to do better next year.

Mandi said...

Ronnow, take a mulligan. You can try better this year. Trav would appreciate a sincere compliment from you this year. Plus, he is getting older. There might not be a next year. I'm just sayin'.

vis said...

You guys know how to make a guy feel good. Thanks, everybody. Extra thanks, Mandi. This year I realized how much it means for people just to remember a birthday with a call or a text or a blog.