Saturday, August 18, 2007

virgin transmission

Here's how it all begins. This is the first post on this blog, and I'm going to kick it off with a bit about sports. I've always had teams that I root for deep down: the Bulls with Jordan, the Jazz without Malone, the A's no matter what, and the Raiders despite my better judgment. Oh, and ¡Roll Tide! Well, anyway, this summer baseball seemed to spread itself a little thinner than usual, and I worked with the 2nd biggest soccer nut I know-Set. Sorry, Kelly. I had to do it. Oh, and Set, if you're reading, the biggest soccer nut I know isn't any more knowledgable or passionate about soccer than you. he's just bigger physically and definitely more of a nut. Longstoryshort, I am now a fan of the beautiful game. I've chosen sides, made blood oaths, and even purchased a few jerseys. Because of this metamorphosis, a few things have become apparent: the baseball season isn't long enough, Tiger Woods doesn't know anything about being a rock star, and Raiders fans are on the mild end of the continuum when it comes to sports fanaticism. For those of you that think football is the real football and soccer is for wussterbators check out these links-WARNING: violence and some adult language. Every match is bigger than a U2 concert. And keep in mind, clubs put on a show like this, in front of the home crowd, roughly 20 times a year. It makes me ashamed of the way I support my favorite teams, or maybe it doesn't. You may have to copy and paste these URLs.

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I'm a little fearful to wear my Argentine jerseys in public. Well, hasta la next time. Go Gunners, Boca, and Los Che.
